Thursday, October 9, 2008


So I have to make a comment about the debates ha have been going on. Out of the three debates (two presidential and one vice presidential) the last presidential debate express the emotion, when Senator Obama wanted to interrupt Senator McCain when he was talking smack. In reality twisting the truth was all McCain did during the Tuesday night debate. Anaylists say that seems to be the only way he may win the election. Right now on the polls McCain is a few percents behind Obama. To be honest I dont think that either of these two people are fit to run our country. McCain seems to be to old and may have some revenge pend up, mostly because of war. Obama he is quite a young fella, I dont dobut in a few years that he could do it with out a problem. The side of Obama that worries me most is that may not have enough experience over seas. I think that he could handle domestic affairs but Im not to confident about foregin affairs and policies. On November 4th we will get a new president weather it be good or bad, it is going to happen.

1 comment:

Matthew Jolly said...

Third (final) debate tonight! Some in the media expect more negativity, others think we'll see more about the candidates' specific policies. I hope it isn't a negativity train wreck, particularly since we are so seriosuly in need of solutions. Thanks, Rose, for your candor.