Wednesday, December 17, 2008



As I sit to wait for my Love
I feel anxious and incomplete
The voice inside says to be still and have a seat
As I wait for the release of the white dove

Now He sits to soon claim his joy
Wondering what kind of change would soon be got
As the lady in white brings him to meet his boy
He has finally found what he has long sought

As the boy will soon grow to be a man
Life’s challenges will change to be trite
Through the treacherous mountains he will soon find sand
All he can do is preserve his might

The past has now begun to appear
With the end rapidly drawing near

By: Martha McLaughlin

The Peace of Cold

Its time to go out to see
I turn on the light
Let’s go and sense how still it will be
I love to make the dark bright

The silence is still
This is my favorite thing to do
The cold always gives a chill
See the snow fall it so white and new

There is no disturbance on the ground
My breath fades in the air
Not a track or footprint can be found
I never even grab a coat to wear

The sense of great peace is all around
I love to run outside to see the snow softly hit the ground

By: Martha McLaughlin


The sand was not beneath my feet
The day was short the night was near
When the air blew the smell was sweet
As I looked upon the water I seen the pier

The spray of ocean was cool on my face
The air was misty yet I could see clear
It was always pleasant to be in this place
I love the season when I am here

You can almost taste the food that is prepared
The people change they come from far and near
Step right up step right up don’t be scared
Just play a game or two have no fear

Another vacation will come and go
Will it be the same next year we don’t know?

Martha McLaughlin

Monday, December 8, 2008

Words to Think on :)

So I'm not sure where to begin. I can say definitely say one thing this semester flew by. I cant believe that I am down to the last couple of weeks. This in my opinion is the most stressful time of the whole year, with Thanksgiving and Christmas both back to back as well as doing papers, reviewing and quite possibly relearning all the stuff that was taught at the beginning of the semester. Well I have made it this far I'm sure I can go the next four years. Even though it seems like school drags on and on and on. It really does not. I'm sure the semesters to come until go by as fast as the previous ones along with the years. That is why we should appreciate the here and now, even though it may be a struggle for a day or a week or the whole month. Never wish your life away it goes by fast as it is. Learn to live, live to learn, love to laugh, learn to laugh (when needed), especially right now!!! Don't stress about your families coming to town or worry how you will avoid them when you see them at your family reunion, how about you take a different approach to your family. Why do we have families? They are there to support you, love you, and teach you things that are better learned now than later. I'll bet some people think "Well you don't have a family like mine, if you met then you would understand" but you know in truth maybe its you and how you express yourself on the outside maybe they are reacting to you? And if they are not reacting to you, well you cant change a person, so just learn to love them the way they are. Well Merry Christmas (I know you will make it through)!